Boston bomber's girlfriend: 'he tried to brainwash me'

A former girlfriend of dead Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev has revealed how he tried to brainwash her into becoming a Muslim fanatic.

Nadine Ascencao, 24, has spoken of how Tsarnaev forced her to wear Islamic clothing, pray to Allah and hit her when she wore western clothes.
"He became extremely religious and tried to brainwash me to follow Islam," said Miss Ascencao.
"Tamerlan said I couldn't be with him unless I became Muslim, he wanted me to hate America like he did," she told The Sun.
Miss Ascencao, who dated Tsarnaev for three years whilst they attended Cambridge Ridge and Latin School, also spoke of how the Boston bomber made a swift transformation from high-school student to religious fanatic.
"One minute he's this funny, normal guy who liked boxing and having fun, the next he is praying four times a day, watching Islamic videos and talking insane nonsense.
"He wouldn't let me watch TV or listen to the radio. He'd say, 'TV is the project of Satan' and claimed Satan sent us messages through commercial music," the 24-year-old said.
Miss Ascencao, who began dating Tsarnaev in 2006 when she was 17, also spoke of how she considered converting to Islam in order to please her former-partner.
"I went to his mosque a couple of times and even looked into converting to make him happy. I thought, 'This is crazy', but I still did it for him.
"Tamerlan had taken my virginity and said he loved me because I was pure and hadn't been with any other guys. I was in love and scared he'd leave me if I didn't do what he said. Looking back I had a lucky escape," the former-girlfriend said.
Miss Ascencao also revealed how the Chechen immigrant had once angrily attacked her for wearing a low-cut top and cut-off jeans while on her way to a friend's pool party.
"He was shouting and screaming at me. He slapped me across the face really hard." Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed by police during a shoot-out in Watertown, Massachusetts on April 19.
Miss Ascencao revealed how she learned of her former-boyfriend's death when FBI officers arrived at her house asking question about Tamerlan and his brother Dzhokhar.
"When they said Tamerlan was dead I didn't cry, I was more shocked Dzhokhar was involved. He was such a nice kid," she said.