Boston Marathon bombings victim: it reminded me of 9/11

Boston bombings survivor Heather Abbott, who lost her lower leg in the attack, describes the moment of the explosions and how people have helped raise money for her artificial leg

At a hospital news conference on Thursday, Boston bombings survivor Heather Abbott,38, described how she was queuing to get into a crowded bar when the bombs went off.
"As we were standing there, a loud noise went off, I remember turning around and looking and seeing smoke and seeing people screaming, and it immediately reminded me of 9/11, something I'd seen on TV," she said.
"When I turned around, the second blast had already happened and it blew a bunch of us into the bar and I suppose it hit me because I was the last one."
Heather Abbott was rushed to hospital where surgeons amputated her left leg below the knee.
She said if somebody had told her she was going to have "half a leg at the age of 38" she would never have believed it.

"I think I would have been devastated and I really haven't had a moment yet of being devastated because I have gotten so much support," she told the press conference.
Ms Abbott revealed that she had already received offers of help to pay for an artificial leg.
"The amount of money my friends have raised for me already in my fund is astonishing," she said.
A big chunk of charity money for survivors will come from One Fund Boston, established by Boston's Mayor Thomas Menino and Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick.
So far it has received more than $20 million (£12.9 million) in donations.